In the teaser, Shin Seung Hoon shows his admiration for Kwon Tae Eun, "Kwon Tae Eun is an extremely talented musician who is able to express himself through music," while composer Kim Hyung Suk said, "He created this song in order for listeners to appreciate and love their families through the hardships expressed in the lyrics."
The song has been garnering a lot of interest from Korean singers. Leessang's Gil added, "His music never rests, but his music gives listeners a time to relax." Kim Hyun Chul commented, "The song equalizes family to strength and emphasizes the importance of family." Kangta also stated, "As a musician, Kwon Tae Eun has the skill to heal through his music."
Other singers such as Patty Kim, One More Chance's Jung Ji Chan, Noel, and Roy Kim showed their support for the song as well.
Producer Kwon Tae Eun shared, "I am gaining strength from my senior and juniors who are all showing their love and support for the song. This project album, which has a classic analogue sound, is worth looking forward to."
SEE ALSO: Kangta to reconnect with fans in live workshop after six years
Lunch Song Project is set to release the music video for "Strength of a Family" on September 4, so check back for updates!
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