Rising young actresses Kim Yoo Jung, Kim So Hyun, and Seo Shin Ae each wore a 'hanbok' (traditional Korean clothing) in celebration of the coming Lunar New Year. sidusHQ released the photo spread featuring the girls on February 5th.
Kim So Hyun starred in the dramas 'The Moon That Embraces The Sun', 'I Miss You', and 'Rooftop Prince' in 2012, making her the hot new rising star of last year. Her 'hanbok' showcases her young beauty as well as her well-earned title of "National Princess", which references her role in 'The Moon That Embraces The Sun'.
Kim Yoo Jung also starred in 'The Moon That Embraces The Sun' as well as in 'May Queen'. She looks innocent and adorable, smiling with her "Happy new year!" greeting card.
Seo Shin Ae made a name for herself in the weekend drama 'Incarnation of Money', where she plays the role of Bok Jae In.
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Rising stars Kim Yoo Jung, Kim So Hyun, and Seo Shin Ae wear 'hanboks' for Lunar New Year
Posted by 1 pt Tuesday, February 5, 2013
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