Actor So Ji Sub is setting foot in the music industry once again with his comeback as a rapper. For his upcoming mini album release, it has been revealed that singer Younha will be lending her voice, while actors Yoo Seung Ho and Park Shin Hye will be starring in the upcoming MV.
The album will be called '6 O'Clock... School Field' and the title track is "Field Trip", which will feature the lovely voice of Younha.
'Little So Ji Sub' Yoo Seung Ho is known to be close friends with So Ji Sub and previously starred in his "Lonely Life" MV as well as filmed an advertisement together. Although Yoo Seung Ho and Park Shin Hye both have a lot on their plates nowadays due to their drama filming schedules for MBC's 'I Miss You' and tvN's 'Flower Boy Next Door', both stars were said to have gladly accepted their roles for So Ji Sub's MV.
In addition to the star-studded lineup, the expectations are high following news that Hong Won Ki, director behind Epik High's "Run" and "One", Girls' Generation's "The Boys", B2ST's "Shock", and SECRET's "Madonna" will be overseeing the music video production.
Stay tuned for more details on So Ji Sub's upcoming mini-album being released later this month!
So Ji Sub to release a mini album ft. Younha + casts Yoo Seung Ho and Park Shin Hye for MV
Posted by 89 pts Wednesday, January 9, 2013
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