It has been revealed that the police have booked the two idol members mentioned previously, and have issued an arrest warrant for individual 'A' in the ongoing investigation against Open World Entertainment's CEO.
On April 18th, Seoul Kangnam Police told TVDaily, "We are issuing out a warrant of arrest for the singer 'A', who is in his 30s, involved in the case." They also commented, "The two idol group members have also been booked without detention."
As mentioned before, 'A' is reported to be someone who has a personal connection to the Open World Entertainment CEO, but is not under the label.
The police also revealed that they will be concluding the investigations on April 19th to hand over the case to prosecutors.
So far, from what is circulating the Korean media outlets, the above statements seem to have been confirmed as all the reports contain the statements listed above. What hasn't been confirmed is news concerning The Boss, and whether or not they are involved in the case.
According to one media outlet, News1, they have obtained a statement from a source within the police who has stated, "The idol members involved in this case are not from The Boss... The two members involved who carried out the commands by the CEO have been booked."
Considering that News1 is the only one to have acquired this statement from the source, and as other media outlets (at the time of writing) have not made any mention of The Boss, it remains to be seen whether this is valid or not.
In related news, Open World Entertainment once again denied any involvement of their artists, and apologized to the public earlier today through an official statement.
Stay tuned to allkpop for updates on the latest developments.
Source & Photo: News1, TVDaily, Asia Today
Tip: Jasmine
Police book two idol members and issue arrest warrant for singer 'A' in Open World investigation

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