Recently actress Lee Yeon Hee and Girl's Generation member Seohyun were spotted wearing the same cape jacket. On the latest episode of JTBC's 'Girl's Generation and the Dangerous Boys', Seohyun showed off her cute young charms by wearing a camel colored cape jacket over a casual stripped knit dress. In contrast, Leo Yeon Hee wore the same cape jacket in black over a brown turtle neck top with a black wide brimmed hat. Unlike Seohyun's cute vibe, Lee Yeon Hee gave off a more mature and chic image through this look. A marketing representative from clothing company Joinus commented, "Lee Yeon Hee and Seohyun are both wearing a black and camel cape jacket that can be paired with a variety of styles [to give off different vibes], so it's a very popular item this season." Who wore it better: Lee Yeon Hee or Girls Generation's Seohyun? Source + Image: Osen
Who wore it better: Lee Yeon Hee or Girls' Generation's Seohyun?
Posted by 1 pt Saturday, December 31, 2011
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