With much attention centered around vampire themed dramas and sitcoms in Korea lately, Actor Park Si Hoo has also joined the party with his latest photo shoot reflecting this theme as well. On the 27th, his agency Story Entertainment released a few pictorials from his 'dark vampire' photo shoot for W Korea Magazine. Park Si Hoo wore dark eye smokey makeup and a long coat for the photo shoot, rocking a cold and intense look that's different from his everyday sweet image. During the interview, the actor remarked, "When I first began acting, I faith that I would be successful. It was when I didn't know any better, but I think it's because of that faith that I was able to keep going without giving up." The rest of the photos from his photo shoot can be found in the January 2012 edition of W Korea. [gallery columns=4] Source: MyDaily Images: W Korea
Park Si Hoo transforms into a vampire for W Korea Magazine
Posted by 22 pts Tuesday, December 27, 2011
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