Actor Jo In Sung has named Korea's figure skating queen Kim Yuna as his ideal woman. On December 7th's episode of 'Show King', Jo In Sung took part in 'Ideal Type World Cup' to see which female celebrity came close to his ideal. The candidates included some of Hallyu's top stars, such as Go Hyun Jung, Shin Mina, Ha Ji Won, Son Yejin, Kim Yuna, Lee Hyori, BoA, SNSD's YoonA, and more. To choose the four 'finalists', Jo In Sung selected Go Hyun Jung (over Jeon Doyeon), Kim Yuna (over IU), Ha Ji Won (over Song Ji Hyo), and Wonder Girls' Sohee (over miss A's Suzy). He also preferred Lee Boyoung (over Kim Haneul), and SNSD's YoonA (over actress Son Yejin), BoA (over Lee Hyori), and Shin Mina (over Kim Sarang). Ha Ji Won, BoA, YoonA, and Kim Yuna made it to the final round, but Jo In Sung chose Kim Yuna without any hesitation. He explained, "When I get tired of acting, there are times I get frustrated with myself. When that happens, I just push forward even if I don't want to. There was one time I saw Kim Yuna fall while she was rehearsing her routine. When she hit the ice, she slammed her fist in frustration and got right back up. When I saw that, I just thought, 'This is it'." MC Kim Soomi evoked laughter by remarking, "I wish Kim Yuna would agree to have a cup of tea with you." Meanwhile, Jo In Sung who's built a 9-year friendship with MC Kim Soomi, served as the first guest for 'Show King' and surprised the MCs with his witty personality. Source & Image: Newsen via Nate
Jo In Sung names figure skater Kim Yuna as his ideal woman
Posted by 22 pts Thursday, December 8, 2011
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