Earlier this month, fashion magazine 'W Korea' released a small preview of INFINITE's upcoming high fashion pictorial spread on their Twitter. On December 27th, new pictures of the full photoshoot were released on their official homepage, along with a break down of the classic yet futuristic pieces the boys are seen wearing. The theme of the photoshoot was described as, "Explosive energy coming from innocent souls. The seven members have risen to the top of the K-Pop stars - INFINITE's high fashion moment." The boys are seen wearing various pieces from Codes Combine, Calvin Klein, VIVA, KTZ, Horaoe, and Topman by Daily Projects, Mvio, Lacoste, and Prada. The rest of the full spread can be seen through the January 2012 issue of 'W Korea' magazine. [gallery link="file" order="DESC"] Source + Photos: Style
INFINITE goes high fashion for 'W Korea'
Posted by 42 pts Tuesday, December 27, 2011
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