Actor Lee Byung Hun displayed his perfectly chiseled physique. The actor who is serving as a model for Men's Lifestyle Channel XTM recently shot a new commercial that is scheduled to air on January 1st at midnight. The channel will be using the advertisement to push the 'Extra·Ordinary Man' image, which also happens to be their slogan. The advertisement reveals footage of the classy actor dressed to the nines attending the year-end award ceremonies, as well as the behind-the-scenes struggles he went through to become Korea's top action-movie star. His perfectly chiseled pectoral and back muscles that were revealed on set reportedly left the staff members in awe. They gave him their thumbs up and remarked, "World Star, indeed." Lee Byung Hun remarked, "The stories in the advertisement were not very different from my everyday life so I was able to have fun shooting it. Like the advertisement that pushes the idea that 'only you can overcome yourself', I will work to become an 'outstanding man' who works to improve himself for the viewers." Source & Image: TVReport via Nate
Actor Lee Byung Hun reveals his perfect body in a new XTM ad
Posted by 22 pts Friday, December 30, 2011
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