The live entertainment news show 'K-STAR News' will attentively focus and analyze Wonder Girls' chic cutie Sohee's innate star talent and her well-known fashion sense. The show will be aired on SBS E! TV on November 8th.
Sohee, who turned 20 years old this year in Korea (19 in America), showed quite the maturation for the pop group's highly anticipated comeback this month.
The idol has been known as the fashion leader of girl group idols for years now, and is always dressed in the latest and trendiest outfits. Even among the members of the wildly popular pop quintet, Sohee individually has a large fanbase.
All of her attractive points as a celebrity will be focused on on the show. This episode of 'K-STAR news' will be aired in Korea at 7PM on November 8th.
Source: Naver
Wonder Girls' Sohee & her fashion sense to be showcased on K-STAR News
Posted by 0 pt Wednesday, November 9, 2011
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