Woman Power member Lee Boram recently shared some old photos of herself through her Twitter page. "I was organizing some old photos and found some really memorable ones," she wrote. "I had the opportunity to stand on senior Choonja's stage as 'little Choonja girl, Choonsim'. It feels strange to be looking at these photos now. I can't believe these came up when I searched for them online..." It turns out that in 2004 (when Boram was only in sixth grade), she stood on stage with Choonja for "Women are Beautiful on the Inside", along with LPG's Han Young as 'The three Choonja Sisters'. Netizens who saw the photos remarked, "She was talented from a young age. Fighting", "She was born to be a celebrity, just like Lee Seung Chul said", andd "She looks the same. She's a natural beauty." In related news, Lee Boram is recently teamed up with Kim Greem and Suki to form 'Woman Power'. The three are promoting their new song, "Hate You Hate You".
Woman Power's Lee Boram shares old photos
Posted by 22 pts Thursday, November 17, 2011
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