Lingerie brand 'Vivien' partnered up with top actor So Ji Sub for their 2012 calendar. So Ji Sub dressed and posed for the holiday that correlated with each month. Valentines Day in February, White Day in March, Rose Day in May, and the list went on with the other holidays. In particular, Movie Day in November showed a pictorial of So Ji Sub being close with a big white bear. Netizens commented on how jealous they were of the white bear saying they wanted to link arms and cuddle with So Ji Sub as well. A Vivien representative replied, "The So Ji Sub calendar will be available in national department stores. On November 21st, the calendar will be available in Vivien shops on a first come first serve basis". Fans are anticipating the 14 page calendar and counting down the days to have So Ji Sub hanging on their walls. Source + Image: SeoulNTN
So Ji Sub shows off his soft side for 'Vivien 2012 Calendar '
Posted by 1 pt Friday, November 18, 2011
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