SECRET's Sunhwa has been drawing compliments for her 'goddess-like beauty', thanks to some photos she shared on her minihompy. Wearing a peach sundress, Sunhwa seemed to give off a 'goddess-like' aura indeed, thanks to the effects of the sun shining down on her light brown hair. Though it's a gorgeous shot, Sunhwa managed to insert some aegyo by playfully holding up her hair to her mouth. Netizens noted, "You look like a Greek goddess," "You got even prettier after releasing your new album," and "You're pretty but.. you're not supposed to eat hair ^^;;;" SECRET is currently busy promoting their latest song, "Love Is Move." Source & Photo: Daily Sports via Naver
SECRET's Sunhwa shares a goddess-like selca
Posted by 0 pt Wednesday, November 2, 2011
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