As reported earlier, K-STAR News recently aired a special nine-minute feature showcasing the Wonder Girls' resident cutie Sohee and her maturation since her debut back in 2007. Aside from being an iconic face of k-pop, Sohee has gained an impressive fanbase as a multi-faceted idol, with a lead acting role in "I Like It Hot" (2008), as well as MC duties on Music Core. Though only twenty years old (19 in America), Sohee has been famous for years as one of Korea's top idol fashionistas with her chic style and eye-catching wardrobe choices. This feature does an excellent job of encompassing Sohee's large variety of solo and group activities over the course of the past four years, from participating in "Wonder Bakery" to featuring as a vampire in 8eight's "Without a Heart" MV. Take a trip down memory lane with this episode below! Source: Youtube
K-STAR News showcases the Wonder Girls' Sohee
Posted by 4 pts Sunday, November 13, 2011
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