Renowned star personal trainers Lee Ji In, Kim Jin, and Shasha Jung made appearances on a KBS2TV program recently to share their secrets behind their clients' much-envied bodies. Lee Ji In in particular is noted for working with Lee Hyori, Solbi, and many other famous stars. Since Hyori has one of the best figures in the industry, Lee Ji In revealed that it's due in part to Hyori's determination. "She has a good personality and strong-willed physical stamina, so she works out hard. Hyori is just one of many who've seen great results from targeted exercises," she said. The one she noted in particular utilizes an elevated platform - a simple up-step, down-step is what this personal trainer claims helped Hyori lose 3-4 kilograms (6-9 pounds) in just one month. "Out of all the celebrities I've trained," said Lee Ji In, "I respect Jo Hye Ryun the most. Before we even met for our sessions, she would show up and jump rope 1,000 - 2,000 times. No matter how busy she was, she exercised every single day and lost all the fat around her belly in just three months." Source & Photo: TV Report via Naver
What exercise helped Hyori lose 3-4 kg in just a month?
Posted by 0 pt Saturday, October 29, 2011
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