Singer Harisu's shocking Halloween costume has startled her fans. Transgender model Choi Han Bit recently shared a photo, via her Twitter page, and wrote, "Halloween party with Harisu unni! She's simply the best ^^". In the photo, different from the makeup-less Choi Hanbit, singer Harisu is ready for Halloween in her shocking costume. One half of her face as well as her hand was covered in red Halloween makeup to look as though she were bleeding from a grotesque injury. She wore a short, silver wig along with red colored-contacts for an overall eerie feel. Netizens who saw the photo remarked, "I saw this in the dark. I was shocked", "Its a bit scary", "Why isn't Choi Hanbit dressed up?", "Your costume is awesome. I hope I don't run into you on the street", etc. Source & Image : StarNews via Naver
Harisu is ready for Halloween
Posted by 22 pts Sunday, October 30, 2011
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