T-ara's Hyomin uploaded a photo online of herself in high school, revealing her natural beauty.
On September 4th, she tweeted, "Discovery of high school photo! Required a black rubber band on wrist. If I don't have it, restlessness." In the picture, Hyomin transforms into a young student, wearing a black polo shirt with her checkered uniform. With bangs and winking her big eyes, she's charmed fans with her sweet image. Netizens responded with, "It's cute that your cheeks are plumper than they are now", "I can feel the youthful feeling", "Another different appeal", and "A past you don't have to be ashamed of". Source: TV Report via Naver Photo: Hyomin's Twitter
T-ara's Hyomin uploads an old high school selca
Posted by 1 pt Sunday, September 4, 2011
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