G-Dragon has inked his body multiple times in the past, and it looks like the Big Bang leader recently got another tattoo!
Fan reports began spreading across the internet after G-Dragon was seen publicly at the 2NE1 concert held a few weeks back. At a children's hospital charity event last week, attentive VIPs noted the tattoo yet again.
The tattoo itself has ignited interest among many, as it features a curious cartoon-like heart with arms and legs running on a path. Turns out that this is a famous icon by Keith Haring that is still commonly seen today.

An artist and social activist whose work responded to the New York City street culture of the 1980s, Keith made his mark on the 80's by painting throughout the New York subway system in chalk. It wasn't until later that his art made its way above ground to become mainstream. His works consisted of public art and pieces of pop art. His bold lines, vivid colors, and active figures carry strong messages of life and unity.
Even though the mastermind behind those crazy-odd creatures with three eyes or extra-long necks has passed, we can still remember him through his art, and, now, thanks in part to
Jeremy Scott for his collaboration with Adidas, in fashion.
What do you think of this tattoo? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

Photo source: Tipster
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