Son Dambi, currently involved in the figure skating program "Kiss & Cry", has revealed a new picture of herself with staff members. She uploaded the photo onto her Twitter along with the tweet, "A commemorative photo for the last round of 'Kiss & Cry'." In the photo, Son Dambi is brightly smiling while holding up a peace sign with the staff members who have their arms around each other. Her hair is casually braided to the side and she is dressed refreshingly in white. People commented, "Dambi unnie figure skates really well," "You've been doing a great job," and, "I look forward to more of your well appearance." Look forward to the grand finale of "Kiss & Cry"! Source & Photo: Twitter via Nate
Son Dambi shares a photo before final round of "Kiss & Cry"
Posted by 0 pt Tuesday, August 9, 2011
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