Choi Siwon, member of idol group Super Junior, has wished a happy birthday to comedian and fellow "Poseidon" actor Park Sung Gwang. Along with posting the above photo, he wrote, "In the middle of filming. Park Sung Gwang who is filming for his first drama. Happy birthday." In the picture, with the beach in the background, Choi Siwon and Park Sung Gwang are dressed similarly wearing slippers, colorful shorts, and white tops. However, Park Sung Gwang looks rather humorous with his ice-cream and peace sign next to Choi Siwon who looks like his usual charismatic self with sunglasses and simple accessories. Their Monday and Tuesday drama "Poseidon" will air in September after "Spy Myung-Wol". It will also star Lee Sung Jae and Lee Si Young. Source: Seoul Newspaper NTN via Nate Photo: Twitter
Choi Siwon tweets from the set of "Poseidon"
Posted by 0 pt Monday, August 15, 2011
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