Underwear brand 'Bodyguard MW' has turned quite a few heads with their new advertisement campaign featuring some racy content. On August 10th, 'Bodyguard MW' shared teaser cuts and new photoshoot pictures of actor Bae Jung Nam and actress Choi Yeo Jin. What caught the attention of many was the way they strategically placed borders around their private parts with the message, "If it's uncomfortable, I refuse to wear it." As if they had anticipated the controversy, representatives revealed, "Upon its release, the site crashed due to the influx of visitors. Netizens are asking that we release additional photos." They continued, "The teaser cuts covered their private parts to illicit curiosity from the viewers. The film set sketch videos also showed the professional mindsets of the former models. They led the set with their confidence in exposing themselves and with their cool personalities." Starting from August 11th, additional behind-the-scenes cuts will be released. Source + Photos: Sports Chosun via Nate
Bodyguard MW's racy photoshoot draws flak
Posted by 42 pts Thursday, August 11, 2011
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