On August 21st, actor Uhm Tae Woong tweeted a photo of himself with singer Lee Hyori in celebration of being chosen as the #1 animal loving couple by netizens. Captioned, "The #1 couple that netizens chose to love animals the most! Kya", the tweet refers to a recent survey netizens participated in. Both celebrities are widely known for their unconditional love for animals, as seen through their Twitters and volunteer work. Uhm Tae Woong had even brought his own Jindo dog named 'Baektong' on '1 Night 2 Days', while Hyori is known for adopting a dog named 'Soonshim'. Netizens commented, "They match so well", "Animal lovers", "Why don't you guys get married while you're at it", "I agree with this couple", and "They truly love animals more than anyone else." Source + Photos: Newsen via Nate
Animal lovers Lee Hyori & Uhm Tae Woong pose for a sweet photo
Posted by 42 pts Sunday, August 21, 2011
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