f(x)'s Krystal and Sulli, miss A's Suzy, KARA's Jiyoung were all born in 1994 and they all appeared in a video together, showing the friendship between the girl group members. On August 24th, Krystal updated on her me2day with, "1st video of Kkwonssuljjung ssuljjungssang. Should we upload the 2nd...?". In the video, Krystal, Sulli, Jiyoung, and Suzy posed with comical expressions in front of the camera as they fooled around. Krystal also wrote "'Kkwanssuljjung' is made up of '94 girl group members, Krystal, Sulli, Jiyoung, and Suzy. In addition to 4minute's Sohyun who didn't appear in the video, we call ourselves the '94 line'". Netizens replied with "I'm going to die because you guys are so cute", "I can feel the youthfulness of the female students even from here", "Why do you play around cutely? I want to play too.", "Hurry up and show the 2nd video", and "Your laughing expression is pretty and cute". You can see the giggling '94ers in the video below. Source: Star News via Nate Tip: Shiny
"'94 Line" Krystal, Sulli, Jiyoung and Suzy fool around for the camera
Posted by 1 pt Wednesday, August 24, 2011
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