Actor Won Bin recently showed off his chic attraction with his black colored fashion. On July 5th, Won Bin, who models and endorses for the Japanese imaging company, Olympus, attended the "New product presentation of PEN E-P3, PEN E-PL3, and PEN E-PM1" event. Won Bin wore a black ensemble and managed to grab the attention of everyone who attended. Won Bin wore a black shirt, black pants, black jacket, and completed the chic outfit with black shoes. Netizens who saw these pictures stated, "He really is good looking" "Looks like he just came from a modeling photo shoot" and "Is he even human... ?" [gallery] Source: Style M Photo(s): TV Report
Won Bin shows off his fashion at event for Olympus
Posted by 0 pt Tuesday, July 5, 2011
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