Hwayobi's latest fashion choice recently caught the eyes of many netizens. On the July 2nd broadcast of MBC's 'Show! Music Core', Hwayobi wore a nude-toned dress that was accessorized with a dramatic waist belt. The singer also wore another waist belt on the July 8th broadcast of KBS 2TV's 'Music Bank', drawing attention from many fans for her 'waist fashion.' Hwayobi -who recently released a new mini-album titled 'Reborn'- also personally styled the jacket photos of her latest album. It's being reported that she also directly oversees the wardrobe choices for her stage performances. Responding to her fetish for waist belts, fans commented, "The [fashion] idea is really fresh", "You seem to have an interest in being a stylist", and "[The fashion] matches well with this last album." Are the waist belts a hit or a miss? Toss us your thoughts below! - (We've also included her two performances from last week in case you missed them!) Source: Daily Economy via Naver News
Hwayobi's 'waist fashion' snags netizens' attention
Posted by 0 pt Monday, July 11, 2011
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