Shin Hye Sung has announced that he will be making a comeback next month with his fourth official album, "The Road Not Taken". The Shinhwa member made his last release, "Side 2 Keep Leaves", back in 2009, as an additional digital single, but has since kept his promotions to a minimum. Now that he's returning after a two year hiatus, fans are gearing up for not only his comeback, but Shinhwa's impending comeback as well. The singer will be releasing one song off of his fourth album ahead of the official release on May 12th."A Bit Closer" is said to be a duet track with the Brown Eyed Soul's Young Jun. Representatives stated, "He'll be holding a three-day concert with his comeback.Tickets will go on sale on the 19th through Interpark." Source: Sports Chosun via Naver
Shin Hye Sung to return next month with fourth album, "The Road Not Taken"
Posted by 42 pts Sunday, May 8, 2011
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