Jung Yonghwa, who is awaiting his comeback as an actor, and Park Shin Hye shared a date on the set of the MBC drama, "Heartstrings". This upcoming drama stars the two as the main characters of the show, and on May 16th the pair filmed on the campus of Seoul Women's University, casually blending in with other college students. A related source from the drama said, "Jung Yonghwa plays Lee Shin and Park Shin Hye plays Lee Kyu Won. This was the first time they were those characters in front of the camera, which explains why it was awkward. However, they showed good chemistry and coordination and added a very positive energy. Please look forward to it." The first episode will air on June 29th. Source: TV Daily via Nate
Jung Yonghwa and Park Shin Hye in MBC's "Heartstrings"
Posted by 5 pts Thursday, May 19, 2011
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