It's just been made public that Dal Shabet's maknae, Subin, fainted during a performance last month. Netizens have uncovered a fancam capturing the young idol fainting during a performance at a college. On April 20th, Happyface Entertainment stated, "The video captured Dal Shabet during a performance at an OT (Orientation Training) for a college in Kwangju on March 30th. Subin had her own busy schedule apart from the group, so her body was in a bad condition. She was immediately taken to a nearby hospital where she received fluids and rested. After that, she came up to Seoul and visited a hospital." The crowd applauded Dal Shabet at the time for completing the performance professionally after sending Subin to the hospital. Check out the video below: Source: Seoul NTN via Nate
Dal Shabet's Subin fainted on stage last month
Posted by 2 pts Wednesday, April 20, 2011
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