4minute's maknae Kwon Sohyun revealed an adorable photo that's caused her fans to gush. On April 7th, Sohyun tweeted, "We are leaving our first broadcast on 'M! Countdown'~ Going to another schedule. The tiny mirror choreography." The idol is seen delivering a pose from the choreography of "Mirror Mirror", while sporting a kiddish-looking backpack. Though she's definitely matured her style, the backpack and quirky smile still retains her young charm. Netizens commented, "On stage, you have charisma, but off stage, you are an angelic cutie" and "The 'mirror dance' is awesome, Kwon Sohyun, are you going to a children's school?" Source: SportsToday via Nate
4minute's Sohyun looks like a cute elementary school student
Posted by 11 pts Friday, April 8, 2011
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