"Superstar K2" contestants John Park (23) and Kim Eun Bi (18) were rumored to be in a secret relationship as the show came to a close. However, John Park's representatives from Mnet Media spoke with Star News on March 25th and argued, "The two act like brother and sister, so them being best friends is true. However rumors of the two dating are completely false." John Park himself added, "I asked Kim Eun Bi because I was unaware of the rumors myself. Either way, I'd like to focus on my dream of becoming a singer, rather than on a relationship at the moment." Meanwhile, Kim Eun Bi has been training hard under YG Entertainment for her upcoming debut. John Park has yet to decide which agency to join, and is still contemplating on his future course of action. Source: Star News
Rumors of John Park and Kim Eun Bi's secret relationship are unfounded
Posted by 3 pts Friday, March 25, 2011
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