Actor Jung Joon Ho and his wife Lee Ha Jung held an interview before their wedding, and revealed that they went on a pre-marriage honeymoon. Interestingly enough, Jung Joon Ho said that they remained perfectly chaste during the trip. "We went to Macau for four nights and five days. We shared the same room, but nothing special happened." He explained, "As I lived on a big bed by myself for a long time, it was uncomfortable sleeping together. I let her sleep on my arm, and after just 10 minutes, my arm felt sore." The actor then joked, "She didn't give consent to let me do anything more, so history will be made tonight," which caused the reporters to crack up. At this, Lee Ha Jung shyly replied, "Because he exercised a lot, his arm was firm." When discussing their plans for a family, Jung said, "Personally, I'm greedy for children so I'm thinking four, but instead of choosing when [to have them], I want to have them naturally whilst sharing love." Lee Ha Jung mused, "I was thinking three, but I'll follow my husband's wishes." Afterwards, Jung Joon Ho shared his nervous sentiments, saying, "There wasn't a time I was this nervous and anxious in the 40 years of my life, but I couldn't fall asleep until 3AM yesterday. I thought it wasn't easy to become one woman's husband and then become a head of a household. I give thanks once more for getting married happily after meeting a good match whilst the people around me give their blessings." Meanwhile, the couple had dressed up in matching white outfits at the press conference, showing their anticipative feelings about their wedding. Over 100 members of the press flowed in for this press conference, which demonstrated the high attention the Korean media was paying to the marriage. The two had met during an interview Lee Ha Jung conducted on November 30th, 2010 for her segment on MBC's '6PM News Magazine', 'The People Lee Ha Jung Met'. Four months later, the couple wed at Seoul's Sheraton Grand Walker Hill Hotel. After going to Hawaii for their honeymoon, they will be setting up their newlywed home at Seoul Hannam-dong. [gallery] Source: Star News via Nate, Korea Economic via Nate
Jung Joon Ho and Lee Ha Jung get married
Posted by 0 pt Friday, March 25, 2011
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