Aleyna Yilmaz, a 6-year-old child actress, has been gaining interest for looking like actress Lee Min Jung. Aleyna is Turkish-Korean (Turkish father and Korean mother), and her exotic looks became a hot issue through her weekly Saturday appearances on tvN's 'Real Kids Story Rainbow,' in which she showed off her pure looks and big eyes. Along with Aleyna's popularity, the show also became popular, and tvN responded to viewer interest by posting photos of Aleyna on its official blog. Netizens responded positively to the photos, dubbing Aleyna the next 'flower baby' along with little stars Moon Mason and Kim Soo Jung. Kim Soo Jung is famous for being the answer girl on the defunct KBS variety show, 'Star Golden Bell,' while Moon Mason is famously known as 'Little Nichkhun' and has also appeared as the baby in 'Baby and Me' with Jang Geun Suk. Meanwhile, Aleyna has appeared in the music video for Park Bom's 'You and I', and has appeared in a CF with actor Joo Jin Mo as well. [gallery] Source: Seoul Newspaper via Nate
Child actress Aleyna Yilmaz draws attention for resembling Lee Min Jung
Posted by 0 pt Tuesday, March 29, 2011
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