Actress Shin Se Kyung recently displayed her innocent beauty. On February 26th, an interview of Shin Se Kyung on the set shooting for an advertisement was aired through KBS 2TV's "Entertainment Weekly." On this day, Shin Se Kyung sported a clean, neat fashion - showing off her innocent side. When the reporter asked her of how she felt about her title as the representative of "innocent glamour", Shin Se Kyung modestly answered that she was "surprised." The reporter also asked, "Do you dress up even when you go to the supermarket?" Shin Se Kyung replied, "Usually, I dress warmly more than I dress fashionably." Lastly, Shin Se Kyung revealed, "This year, I will actively show the public more of myself." Source: TVDaily via Nate
Shin Se Kyung is surprised by her label as 'innocent glamour'
Posted by 11 pts Saturday, February 26, 2011
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