On February 27th, MBC aired their special behind-the-scenes episode of their Lunar New Year's special, "Idol Star Athletics & Swimming Championships",which featured clips that weren't previously aired, as well as the stars' thoughts. 2AM's Jo Kwon revealed that he didn't have any ill feelings towards 8eight's Lee Hyun for his false start, which resulted in him not being able to do his best. Jo Kwon, Lee Hyun, ZE:A's Dongjoon and Moon Joonyoung were the finalists for the male 50m race. Having false started at the Chuseok special a few months back, Lee Hyun gave a false start again, which triggered Jo Kwon into thinking that the match had begun. Unfortunately, Jo Kwon realized that the race had to be re-run only after he had already spent his energy running towards the end. The result of the rematch was that Dongjoon won first place, while Jo Kwon came in third. When asked whether he "resented Lee Hyun" for it, Jo Kwon replied, "Not at all. I think Lee Hyun-ssi was upset over hearing some bad things over Twitter and such after the broadcast. The program is something meant to be enjoyed with family during the holiday. Please just have fun watching it and don't think too seriously of it." Source: Star News via Nate
2AM's Jo Kwon talks about Lee Hyun's false start on "Idol Star Athletics & Swimming Championships"
Posted by 42 pts Sunday, February 27, 2011
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