Shin Jung Hwan, who's currently entangled in a scandal for excessive gambling overseas, held an exclusive interview with KBS 2TV's "Entertainment Relay". The interview took place during his stay in Japan, right before he boarded a plane for Korea. He stated, "I'm deeply ashamed of myself, and I've been thinking a lot. I'll be reflecting deeply on my actions, and I want to ask for forgiveness." The interview also touched upon the condition of his leg. Shin Jung Hwan explained, "When the metal support inside broke, it brought about other complications. It's difficult to walk." He continued, "The leg isn't a big concern - I'm more apologetic to the public for causing such concerns and disappointing them." Source + Photos: Review Star
Shin Jung Hwan apologizes, reveals his leg condition
Posted by 42 pts Sunday, January 23, 2011
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