"Superstar K2" contestants Huh Gak and John Park have come together on January 13th to perform a powerful duet titled "The Best" on Mnet's "M. Countdown"! Created for the upcoming movie, "Glove", "My Best" has drawn interest because of its multi-layered inspirational message. The PD of 'M. Countdown', Park Chan Wook, commented, "It'll be a touching scene for fans to watch the two perform a song from 'Glove,' as the movie draws a story from the same themes of challenge and passion for their dreams. We've paid extra attention to their stage, since they are the 'Superstar K2' winner and runner-up." Check it out below: ; Source + Photos: Newsen
Huh Gak & John Park perform "My Best" on 'M. Countdown'
Posted by 42 pts Thursday, January 13, 2011
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