Girl's Day members revealed their airport fashion while on the way to China to participate in the
China Media Festival.
Sojin tweeted, "
The first time I'm stepping on the ground of another country. I'm going to Beijing!!",
Yura wrote, "
First overseas trip", maknae
Hyeri declared, "
We're off to China", and
Minah tweeted, "
Arrived at the airport, I'm hungry."
The pictures that were uploaded exhibited each member's unique personality. Mina wore headphones and glasses with big round frames, and she struck a playful pose. Sojin wore a unique hat and posed with a victory sign, while Yura wore sunglasses with a coy expression on her face. Hyeri wore a purple knitted sweater with a pure look. However, fans expressed regret that
Jihye's photo wasn't shown.
In the waiting room at the airport in China, Yura tweeted another picture. She wrote, "
We have arrived in China safely. I want to travel to another country soon."
Meanwhile, it was revealed on
@Girls_Day Twitter that their Korean fanclub name will be called
DAI5Y. The name for Girl's Day international club will remain as

Source: TV Report via Nate
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