On December 8th, comedian Park Kyung Lim tweeted a photo along with a message on her twitter. The picture was of her and the members of Orange Caramel fighting over some Lego toy sets. The message read, "The girls trying to steal and I'm trying not to get robbed~ hehe cute Orange Caramel~" Fans who came across this tweet commented, "Kyung Lim unnie received a lot, she should just share one!^^, oh and happy birthday" "Kyung Lim unnie, you are very strong," and "Girls are suppose to be weak but moms have to be strong!" Park Kyung Lim's birthday was on December 8th, and the Lego sets that were shown in the picture were birthday presents for her. Source + Photo: Nate
Park Kyung Lim tussles with Orange Caramel over Lego
Posted by 3 pts Wednesday, December 8, 2010
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