KBS 2TV's popular variety program, "Invincible Youth," aired its teary season finale on December 24th. The last episode focused on the IY members celebrating Christmas with the Yuchiri villagers. Playing various games, Narsha, Goo Hara, Hyomin, Sunhwa, Victoria, Jooyeon, and Kim Sori also presented a talent show for the residents. Fans were delighted when they saw that Kim Tae Woo managed to appear for the episode. Kim was forced to take a leave of absence from the show because of his vocal cord nodules. Reunited with his fellow castmates, the atmosphere on set became lively and was full of laughter. Unfortunately, the joy could only last for so long - the chief of the team, No Joo Hyun, declared the episode as the season's last. The cast became gloomy after this announcement, and even the village residents became deeply affected by the news; to them, the IY members were like their own precious granddaughters. After finishing their last dinner together, the members sat around and began reflecting on the past year and two months. Narsha expressed, "'Invincible Youth' turned me into a new person," while Goo Hara stated, "Please remember that I was a member of 'Invincible Youth.' Hyomin confessed, "'Invincible Youth' allowed me to know what a broadcast program was", and Victoria added, "I learned a lot about not only Korean culture, but farming and friendships as well." Jooyeon, who joined the team late into the show's running, stated, "I could've done better, it's so upsetting that the show is ending so fast." The members concluded their reflections by shouting the team's chant, "The youth never loses!" Viewers also expressed their thoughts on the show's closing by leaving comments on the viewers' message board: "Is it really the end? I can't believe it," "This was the nicest variety program," "I'll remember it forever," and "I'll be looking forward to season two!" The show was forced to end early due to the girl group members going overseas. A second season for 2011 is currently in production. As sweet as the reactions are, the viewer ratings for the final episode were insubstantial at best. According to AGB Nielsen Media Research, the first season of "Invincible Youth" achieved only 6.2% in viewer ratings, a 0.1% drop from last week's episode, which recorded at 6.3%. Source: Star News, TV Daily via Nate
"Invincible Youth" wraps up season finale with tears
Posted by 42 pts Saturday, December 25, 2010
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