Singer Baek Ji Young, who recently released her newest track "That Woman" for the OST of SBS's "Secret Garden," will be making her cameo in the popular drama herself. In "Secret Garden," she will take on the role of a singer, and will instruct Oscar (Yoon Sang Hyun) with dancing. Last year, Baek Ji Young received a cameo offer for a historical drama, "Ja Myung Go," in which she also participated in the OST with "Love Must Be A Sin." During that time, she rejected the offer because she was pressured by the fact that it was a "historical" drama. According to her agency, she accepted the latest offer to cameo in "Secret Garden" because her role in the drama is similar to her career as an artist. Baek Ji Young commented, "I was a real fan of 'Secret Garden,' so I'm a bit embarrased and nervous to be able to cameo. I hope I can affect the drama even just a little bit." The episode where she cameos will be recorded on December 22nd and will broadcast on the 25th. Meanwhile, Baek Ji Young is also busy preparing for her eighth album which will be released early next year. Baek Ji Young - That Woman Source + Photo: Asiae
Baek Ji Young to cameo in "Secret Garden"
Posted by 3 pts Tuesday, December 21, 2010
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