One of the top four 'Superstar K2' contestants, Kang Seung Yoon, recently revealed his true thoughts regarding the show. On November 10th, the cute rocker appeared on the KBS radio show, "Lee Soo Young's Music Show" and was asked, "Did you think that you were going to take 1st place on the 'Superstar K2' show?" to which he replied, "Yes." The singer explained truthfully, "When it was just the four of left, I had this thought once before I slept; I thought that it would be nice to win 1st place, even in my dreams." Kang Seung Yoon also talked about his sunbae and judge, Yoon Jong Shin: "When I see myself singing hard to Yoon Jong Shin's 'At the Dentist,' I think to myself that I'm probably somewhere along Yoon Jong Shin's line." Other 'Superstar K2' contestants including Huh Gak, John Park, and Jang Jae In also made an appearance on the program. Source + Photo Credits: Newsen
'Superstar K2' Kang Seung Yoon dishes on his desire for 1st place
Posted by 1 pt Thursday, November 11, 2010
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