Brown Eyed Girls' Jea recently revealed photos of herself which showcased her unique charms. On November 26th, Jea wrote on her minihompy, "Awkward V pose ^^", "I temporarily forgot my age and drew inspiration from a children's book to shoot a photo spread wearing a tiara, just like a little child keke." In the photos, you can see Jea perched on a white couch while doing both cute "V" signs and chic poses for the camera. Fans commented, "Whoa kekeke why do you have such a baby face T_T So pretty…", "You're so pretty unnie kekeke" >_< ?So cute?", "You're still innocent.. I like it ^^", "You really look like a child kekeke So cute unnie!" Source: TV Daily
Brown Eyed Girls' Jea transforms into a princess
Posted by 8 pts Saturday, November 27, 2010
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