Actress, Han Hyo Joo, who has received much attention from her recent role in MBC's DongYi, showcased her talents earlier today on Yoo Hee Yul's Sketchbook. She was also said to be the first actress to make an appearance on the show. Being multi-talented, she showed off her impressive musical talents and also revealed that she produced many original songs. She stated, "At home, I make the title, the lyrics, and produce separately." The MC, Yoo Hee Yul, asked, "Which of your songs do you remember the best?", which she responded, "None of the songs are complete. They're just feelings and emotions of how I felt at that time. However, a song called 'You're My Sweater' is what I remember the best. Isn't it a good title? I expect it to be a hit." She then performed a bit of the song a capella. Yoo Hee Yul said, "The musical feel is not that of a sweater, but something made of cashmere.", praising her singing. What a talented lady, check out all her performances below!
Han Hyo Joo shows off her talent on Sketchbook
Posted by 2 pts Saturday, October 23, 2010
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