The producers, Hwa & Dam Pictures, of upcoming SBS drama 'Secret Garden' have recently revealed a still photo of the drama's female lead, Ha Ji Won. The photo reveals a charismatic Ha Ji Won, dressed in a black leather outfit, making a perfect action queen. A representative stated, "The photo is from the filming of the drama. To make the fantasy romance drama more spectacular, we have prepared some exciting action scenes." Secret Garden's storyline is about a couple, Joo Won (Hyun Bin) and Lime (Ha Ji Won), who often gets into arguments whenever they meet. The two characters later have their souls exchanged, and the fantasy romance love storyline unfolds with the characters in their different bodies. Meanwhile, Secret Garden will debut on November 13th, replacing SBS' 'Life is Beautiful.'
Ha Ji Won's looking HOT in 'Secret Garden'
Posted by 3 pts Friday, October 8, 2010
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