Previously on allkpop, Girl's Day had released a short teaser video clip re-introducing the members to fans after the reshuffling of their group dynamic. And just now, they have released a short 22-second MV teaser for their new single, 'Nothing lasts forever'! The clip is sort of spastic, as it constantly flashes "Girl's Day" text all over the screen, and while you can hear a heavy techno-ish beat throughout, there's little hint as to the feel of the song aside from the mood of it. I guess we'll just have to wait for more teasers then, but for now, check out the video below! Thanks to achel, jilly, and AhNia for the tip.
Girl's Day release first MV teaser for 'Nothing lasts forever'
Posted by 1 pt Sunday, October 24, 2010
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