SBS's new Wednesday-Thursday drama 'Daemul' aired its first episode last night, going head-to-head against Rain's "Fugitive: Plan B". The all-star cast of 'Daemul' (Ko Hyun Jung, Kwon Sang Woo, and Cha In Pyo) dominated the Wednesday time-slot with a nationwide viewership rating of 17.4%. It's rival, 'Fugitive: Plan-B', came in at 3rd place with a 15.0% viewership rating. Additionally, it was noted that 'Daemul' took back the 7% viewership that was lost during the airing of its predecessor, 'My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox'. Daemul is definitely starting off on a high note and it seems that all credit is going to the acting prowess of superstar Ko Hyun Jung, who plays South Korea's first female president. This is just the first episode so it will be interesting to see how the ratings war pans out between 'Daemul' and 'Fugitive: Plan-B' in the upcoming weeks. Meanwhile, MBC's 'Playful Kiss' starring Kim Hyun Joong continues with its dismal run 5.4%. Source: TNS Media, Newsen
'Daemul' beats out 'Fugitive' in ratings
Posted by 0 pt Thursday, October 7, 2010
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