On this week's episode of SBS' "Heroes," the girls went in for a job interview together.
KARA's Nicole, After School's Kahi and Lee Jin (Fin.K.L) were grouped together for their interview. The interviewer asked Nicole a question in English and to the astonishment of her peers, Nicole answered back without any trouble.
It shouldn't have really come as a surprise, as it's known that Nicole was born in the States and lived there for most of her life. Yet her fluency still amazed her interviewers, her fellow group members, and the viewers.
She named her strongest and weakest points about herself in English, and really impressed the judges with the thoughtfulness of her answers. She also made Kahi and Lee Jin very nervous.
They asked her whether or not it's difficult for her to communicate with others in Korean and she answered, "I'm comfortable with it, but the other person isn't."
Another interesting point was that she wrote, "Effort does not betray you." on her job application as her motto. One of the interviewers asked, "Has effort ever betrayed you?" Nicole answered, "If it ever did, that means I didn't put in enough effort."
Nicole is certainly impressing everyone with her smarts. Check out the clip below!
Source: Nate
Photo: Captured from Heroes
Viewers are impressed by Nicole's English

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