On September 19th, SBS broadcasted its Chuseok Special "Hallyu Dream Concert", which contained performances from various artists representing the Republic of Korea. The concert was recorded on the 12th and was finally shown on the 19th. From the many artists who performed in the concert, miss A's Suzy has been praised for her professionalism on stage. Why? Suzy, regardless of an ankle injury incurred during practices, still performed "Bad Girl Good Girl" alongside the other members with a cast on. Although she was told by the doctor to not move her foot a lot, Suzy decided to sit on a chair and perform to the best of her ability, thereby earning the praise of the audience. Check out the performance below: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Em5UXY3rpU
Suzy gets praised for her professionalism on stage
Posted by 3 pts Tuesday, September 21, 2010
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