It was revealed that actor Park Yong Jin from Baker King Kim Tak Goo will not finish filming the drama after his misdemeanours on the road were exposed recently. The actor had been caught running a red light during a random road check, and he did not cooperate when a police officer asked him to take a sobriety test. Worst of all, he was rude and violent to the police officer, cursing and tearing the police officer's clothing. There was much debate as to whether Park Yong Jin would be able to continue appearing on Baker King, and earlier today, the decision was finalized. A representative from the production company revealed, "After our meeting, we have decided to drop Park Yong Jin from the drama... His presence could cause the other actors to act unnaturally around him, and his departure would not affect the drama that much.' Although the drama ends in two weeks time, it appears that he won't be missed much since he plays a small role.
Park Yong Jin dropped from 'Baker King Kim Tak Goo'
Posted by 0 pt Tuesday, September 7, 2010
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