Hangeng recently revealed the MV to "Heartbreak Notebook", the last of the seven MVs that he filmed. "Heartbreak Notebook" was filmed in both New Zealand and Korea, and it tells the behind the scene stories from "Moth to a Flame", "Say No", and "Umbrella" from the female lead's perspective. The MV has a romantic atmosphere, tantalizing scenery, and features Hangeng's emotional acting. The four music videos were filmed at the same time, and the filming process was similar to filming a movie. The male lead in the MV had a turbulent life, just like Hangeng, which made him enjoy acting out the role even more. Check out the "Heartbreak Notebook" PV below: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n31hg6dPZgs Hangeng also released the MV to "I Am a Flame", which was made to inspire volunteers to participate in the Guangzhou Asian Games this year. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-05uQgySSTE Source + Pictures: 163 Thanks to everyone who sent this in.
Hangeng releases MVs for "Heartbreak Notebook" and "I Am a Flame"
Posted by 0 pt Monday, September 27, 2010
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